Videos + Podcasts
Breaking the Silence: Speaking Out to End the Stigma of Parental Incarceration
A virtual SUSU panel event featuring youth with lived experience, Derrelle Frazier from Next100 and Emani Davis, founder of the Omowale Project, exploring how stigma has impacted them and identifying actionable steps to end stigma.
SUSU 2023: Reentry Reflections
A SUSU virtual panel where families shared tips, successes, and challenges in navigating parental incarceration and reentry.
SUSU Youth Team Podcast
The 2023 SUSU Youth Team share their insight, wisdom, and tips for navigating parental reentry.
SUSU Youth Team Podcast
November, 2022
The SUSU Youth Team talk about the types of support they find helpful, share self-care tips, discuss how stigma affects them and much more.
A Few Life Lessons by
Ava Lantiere
"I used to feel if I listed all the horrible things I'd gone through I would be validated and accepted. I now find myself wishing I hadn't shared such intimate details with my life because I was struggling to accept myself."
"A Visit With my Father"
by Kharon Benson
Kharon Benson explores his complex emotions of discovering that his father was incarcerated which ultimately led him to bring a camera to Sing Sing to ask his father all the questions he’s always wanted to ask.
Invisible No More: Ending Stigma to Support Children Experiencing Parental Incarceration
An in-person SUSU event featuring youth with lived experience, the Marshall Project, Author Reda Taleb, Parallel Sentence, Hour Children, exploring how stigma impacts children of incarcerated parents, and identifying actionable steps to end stigma.
SUSU 2023: Reentry Through a Child's Eyes
A SUSU panel event sharing insight, guidance, and recommendations from those with lived experience and reentry expertise.
Reentry Tips for Parents
The 2023 SUSU Youth Team share tips for parents navigating reentry. Click here to see our tips for youth.
Dear Diary by Nazare
1st Place!
See Us, Support Us 2022 Art Contest
If Only You Knew:
U.S. Dream Academy Podcast
In this podcast designed by young people for young people, we strive to shift the narrative around the negative impact of parental incarceration and poverty on the lives of young people.
"Knock Knock"
by Daniel Beaty
Watch Daniel Beaty's powerful spoken word about having an incarcerated father. Find out more about Daniel Beaty's work here.
Teen pushes for legislation to preserve in-person visits in New York prisons and jails
Brought to us by WNYC segment Radio Rookies, SUSUs 2024 Youth Fellow Jamila talks with other Youth Action Council members about the importance of in-person visits.

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Running time: 5 minutes